
For referrals for Available Standard Schnauzer puppies, please email schnauzer.info@yahoo.com. 

Grand Champion official photo





Canadian Champion, too 



GRH CH Dundee Saltus Ze Zahrabske, RI TKN TT became an AKC champion at the Orlando (FL) Cluster 2016.

Dundee received a 5-point major at the Standard Schnauzer National Specialty Cluster, July 2016, at Houston, Texas.
Thanks and appreciation to internationally-recognized Standard Schnauzer expert Marion Kidd of Australia. 

Link to Dundee at the Nationals, the day after the above photo.

Judge Judith Brown awarded Dundee a 3-point major at the Perry, Georgia Cluster.

Dundee also received 2-point awards from Judge Pat Hastings (Chattanooga, TN) and Judge Alberto Berrios (Atlanta, GA). Thanks to all these judges for recognizing that the natural tail is not a handicap.